Jicho Pevu’s Mohammed Ali Resigns From NTV – Heads Back To KTN

November 6, 2012

Season of Defections – Moha May Be Headed Back To KTN

Unconfirmed reports indicate that investigative journalist Mohammed Ali, known for Jicho Pevu has resigned from NTV and will be going back to KTN. The Jackal news is reporting that Ali tendered his resignation notice on Monday, citing roadblocks in his work. This unexpected move caught everyone including the top management off guard and in amazement. 
It’s barely four months since news broke that Moha would be joining NTV. This was the story then. If the reports are to be believed, then Moha will have experienced one of the shortest stint in a media house in Kenya, for a big reporter. Basically, he is just heading home, since it was at KTN where he grew into what he is. His time there was characterized by some of the biggest investigative pieces in Kenya, mostly involving drug lords, politicians and the police. 
While at NTV, he seemed to have settled perfectly after exposing ‘Pastor Njoroge‘ in his first week at the station. 
Sam Shollei, who replaced Paul Melly as Standard Group CEO has been working hard to bring back KTN’s lost glory, by targeting big names in TV, including former KTN journalists. Among those who are expected to join the Mombasa Road company soon include NTV’s Linda Ogutu and Joe Ageyo, and CCTV’s Emmanuel Talam. 
Credits [Jackal News]
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